Syed Ali Ashraf Institute of Higher Islamic Learning (SAAIHIL)

The Institute of Higher Islamic Learning (IHIL) known as Ma'had was established in 1989 under the Faculty of Religious Sciences (FRS). Its objective was to produce competent Islamic scholars who would be capable of presenting Islam with competent authority and face the challenges of modern secular education. The activities of the Institute were expanded after the approval of Darul Ihsan University by the government in 1993. After the sad demise of Professor Ali Ashraf, the above Institute was renamed Syed Ali Ashraf Institute of Higher Islamic Learning (SAAIHIL). In 2001 SAAIHIL was bifurcated from the Faculty of Religious Sciences and had a separate entity for conducting research. Since then it has been governed by a Board of Governors of which Vice Chancellor is the Chairman.

In pursuance of higher studies, the Institute conducts programs for M. Phil, and Ph.D. degrees. As the medium of instruction is Arabic, the students have direct access to all the original Arabic sources. AI-Azhar University, Cairo, is helping out with teaching and also assist in conducting M.Phil, and Ph.D. programmes. Till now six students have completed their M.Phil and Ph.D. degrees and 19 have been enrolled for the purpose.

  • (a) Department of Islamic Studies & Daw'ah and
  • (b) of Arabic and Islamic Studies.

Under the Faculty of Religious Sciences the above two departments have been conducting their courses of studies. The Department of Islamic Studies & Daw'ah has been running its four-year Honours and one year M.A. programmes since its very inception in 1989.

Under the Faculty of Religious Sciences the above two departments have been conducting their courses of studies. The Department of Islamic Studies & Daw'ah has been running its four-year Honours and one year M.A. programmes since its very inception in 1989.

The Department of Arabic & Islamic Studies with Bachelor program started functioning since July, 2003. The programs of Arabic Language Certificate course and Computer Certificate Course are also run under the FRS. Moreover, English Language is compulsory for all the students under this Faculty. Under an MOU, AI-Azher University has been deputing teachers to the Faculty for every two years. The Bachelor of Honours and Masters degrees under this faculty have been recognized by AI-Azher as equivalent to their own. The total number of students obtained degrees and diplomas so far since 1993 is 1456, the number of students studying now is 200 and that of teachers 25.

Madrassa Tahfizul Quranil Karim

The Madrassa, starting in 1992, has been run as a separate programme under the Faculty of Religious Sciences and conducted by DIT at Savar Campus. The main objective is to develop the students as complete human beings by memorizing and understanding the Holy Quran. The students have to complete hifz in six years.

After that they are equipped to pursue other branches of knowledge in general subjects such as English, Bengali, Mathematics, etc. at both Dakhil and Alim levels. After passing Alim examination they become eligible for getting themselves admitted in any branch of the University. So far 71 students obtained certificates or degrees and 400 students are reading and number of teachers is 45.