Department of English Language and Literature

TThe Department of English Language and Literature functions under the Faculty of Human Sciences. Since the inception of the University, there have been compulsory English language programmes for all the students of the various faculties of the university. The Department was formally opened in 1996 and started offering degree programmes of its own.

The Department accepts students for the B.A. Honours, M.A. and Diploma courses. The B.A. Honours is a four-year programme. The M.A. is a one-year programme. One important component of the M.A. is English language teaching. The Diploma course is in English Language and for those who have the general B.A.

The Courses in the department are so designed that the students attain the necessary skills in the language, get a sound grasp of literature, and acquire the ability to become effective language and literature teachers or to engage in work calling for sophistication in language and critical intelligence. In the teaching of both language and literature, emphasis is on developing the students' sense of discrimination and awareness of the wide spiritual, intellectual and cultural contexts in which both language and literature operate. Students are also made to see the working of the Western mind from their own Islamic point of view so that they can retain true independence of mind and spirit.The Department now has 261 students and 20 teachers. So far 41 students obtained BA Honours and Master's degrees from the Department.